Bless Network (formerly known as Blockless) has introduced a groundbreaking platform that transforms everyday devices into a shared global computer. This decentralized physical infrastructure network (DePIN) leverages idle computing resources to support decentralized applications (dApps), ensuring efficiency, scalability, and security.
Why Choose Bless Network?
Bless Network empowers users by reducing reliance on centralized entities and offering network-neutral applications (nnApps) with unparalleled scalability and performance. Key technologies include dynamic resource matching, randomized task distribution, and a WASM secure runtime. As a participant, you can benefit from rewards by contributing your device’s computational resources.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to joining the Bless Network and participating in its airdrop.
Step-by-Step Guide
1. Create an Account
Visit the official Bless Network website: Ensure you register on the real website to avoid scams.
- Referral Boost: Use the referral code VONSCN during registration to receive a 10% reward boost.
2. Install the Bless Network Extension
- Search for the “Bless Network extension” in your browser’s web store.
- Click Add to Chrome (or your browser of choice) to install the extension.
3. Log In to the Extension
- Open the Bless Network extension.
- Log in using the same account credentials you registered on the website.
Note: The more time you dedicate to the Bless Network, the greater your future rewards. Start participating today to maximize your benefits!
How Bless Network Works
Transforming Idle Resources
Bless Network utilizes the idle computing power of devices like laptops, desktops, and smartphones. This enables:
- Dynamic Resource Matching: Efficiently assigns tasks based on device capabilities.
- Randomized Distribution: Ensures fairness and prevents domination by any single entity.
Core Features
- Network Neutral Applications (nnApps)
- Operate independently of traditional blockchain constraints.
- Deliver enhanced security, scalability, and performance.
- Node Ecosystem
- Orchestration Nodes: Limited to 70, these automate task distribution.
- Worker Nodes: Uncapped and contribute resources to execute workloads.
- Computational power.
- Reliability.
- Tasks completed.
- Token Economy ($BLESS)
- Used for transaction fees, staking, and governance.
- Rewards node operators and supports network improvements.
Incentive Distribution
- 80%: Paid to node operators.
- 10%: Burned to reduce supply and enhance token value.
- 10%: Allocated to the protocol treasury.
Tools for Developers
- Blockless Dashboard
- Monitor resource utilization, application performance, and network health.
- Manage projects, permissions, and on-chain billing.
- Blockless CLI
- Deploy applications and manage resources directly.
- Cross-platform support with extensive documentation.
Join Bless Network Today!
By joining the Bless Network, you’re contributing to a decentralized and equitable internet ecosystem. Maximize your rewards by participating early, leveraging your idle device resources, and using the referral code VONSCN to boost your rewards.
Sign up now on the official website and become part of the future of decentralized computing!